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Anna Oblakova Anna Oblakova

FP&A is the sexiest job in finance

FP&A is the sexiest job in finance… While this may seem like an overstatement, FP&A positions are becoming incredibly popular and sought-after.

Moving into FP&A from other fields of finance, such as accounting and audit, has recently become very trendy. Internet is full of advice, courses and trainings focused on this transition.

So, what is so special about the FP&A role that it attracts that much attention and has almost become a buzzword within the finance community?

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Anna Oblakova Anna Oblakova

Where Can FP&A Career Path Take You?

Emerging FP&A practice steps out of the shadow of other finance functions as a standalone entity and involves its own mission, goals, organization, processes, tools and skills.

This article discusses typical activities and key responsibilities of the FP&A practitioners, the range of skills required to perform these tasks, common roles and career path of the FP&A professionals and how FP&A is distinguished of other finance functions and disciplines.

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Anna Oblakova Anna Oblakova

4 Emerging Roles of Finance Professionals

Fast-changing environment of the digital age requires not only rapid adaptation of business but also of the finance function, which leads to the evolving responsibilities and roles of the finance professionals.

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Anna Oblakova Anna Oblakova

Are You Happy Working in Finance?

Young people choose their career in finance as it seems to be easy to measure success: there is a beaten path from an entry-level accountant/auditor or financial analyst to finance manager and later to CFO. But with all this professional success going with a bunch of certifications and high salary, the real question that comes up is whether it is possible to be happy at work?

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